Last update 4th of November 2023
1, Name of Club
The Club shall be called the Shaws Bar Golf Club.
2, Objectives of the Club
(a) The objectives of the Club shall be the encouragement and promotion of the sport of and game of golf and the provision of social and recreational facilities for the members.
(b) To administer and apply the Rules of Golf as laid down by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andres.
(c) To administer and apply the Rules of Standard Scrach and Handicapping Scheme as approved by the Council of National Golf Unions from time to time.
3, Membership
The membership shall consist of a maximum of 40 Ordinary Members.
4, Ordinary Members
A candidate for Ordinary Membership shall be nominated by two Ordinary Members of the Club of whom must personally know the candidate.
The application for membership shall be on a form supplied by the Secretary, and duly signed by the proposer, seconder and candidate and accompanied by the entry fee, which shall be returned if membership is refused. The name and address of the candidate must be sent by email to all members for a continuous period of two weeks from the date of the nomination to the date of the meeting to determine admission or otherwise. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
5, Meetings of the Club
(a) Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the CLub shall be held during the month of November in the Shaws Bar Loung - date to be fixed by the Committee. At the A.G.M. the office bearers and appropriate members of the Committee shall be elected. An abstract of the accounts for the previous year shall be submitted by the Treasurer - duty certified by two ordinary members who shall be nominated at the AGM and shall not be a member of the Committee - and all general business transacted.
(b) Special General Meeting
The Committee shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting of the Club and a Special General Meeting may be called within twenty-eight days of receipt of a written requisition signed by not less that 2/3rds of the membership, stating the business to discussed.
(c) Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Secretary shall intimate at least fourteen days in advance notice on the Club notice board and by e-mail, the last lodgement of notices of motion for consideration at the A.G.M which shall be no less than fourteen, or more than twenty eight days, following the last lodgement of notice in motion.
At the A.G.M 8 members shall form a quorum.
(d) Chairman
The Captain, whom failing the Vice-Captain, whom failing an Ordinary Member appointed at the meeting will be Chairman at all meetings of the Club and the CHairmen shall have a casting vote as well as the deliberate vote.
6, Office Bearers
A Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Match Sectary, Treasurer and five ordinary members shall be elected at the A.G.M. All Office Bearers shall be elected for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
7, The Committee
The administration of the Club shall be vested in a Committee consisting of Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Match Secretary, Treasurer and five other Ordinary Members, one of whom shall be responsible for health & Safety.
Committee members shall retire bi-annually and shall be eligible for re-election. The names of candidates to be proposed for election shall be placed on the notice board, duly signed by the members proposing and seconding, not later than fourteen days proceeding the A.G.M. in the event of any member of the Committee ceasing to be a member of the Committee for any reason whatsoever prior to the end to the term, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt another member of the fulfil the position.
The Committee shall hold a meeting for dispatch of any competent business at least once every 6 weeks at the Shaws Bar, Glasgow. The Chair at the meeting shall be the Captian, whom failing a member of the Committee to be appointed at the meeting, and the Chair will have a casting vote in addition to their own vote.
8, Subscriptions
The annual subscriptions, payable by each member, shall be fixed at the A.G.M. All subscriptions shall be payable by the 31st of December each year. Any member failing to do so will cease to be a member and will not be eligible to compete in any Club competition until monies is paid in full.
9, Suspension and Expulsion
In the event of the conduct of a member of the Club being, in the opinion of the Committee, injurious to the character or good order of the Club the Committee may suspend or expel to an S.G.M. if the member can obtain 8 signatures to call such a meeting.
10, Alteration of the Constitution and Rules
No alteration in the foregoing Rules and Constition shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose to be made. No such alteration shall take effect unless it is affirmed by a majority of 2/3rds of those voting. Notice of any proposed alterations must be given in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days previous to the date of the S.G.M.
11, Communication
All official communications by the Committee will be done by email to the appropriate members.
Any requests for information on any aspect of the Club business must be done by email. Social media forums are not considered valid for official Club communications.
The rules of the Club and costs for membership, sweep, outings and other expenses will be updated in the Club Handbook which will be accessible online.