Winter Golf
A number of members continue to play golf through the winter months. A flat entry fee is paid for this competition and the prize money is awarded to 1st and 2nd with 1st place receiving 2/3 of the money and 2nd place 1/3.
The competition will commence on the 9th of November 2024 and conclude with the last counting round on the 15th of March 2025, Players may enter the competition at any time between start and end dates of the competition, This is a non-qualifying competition for the purposes of handicap.
Entry fee is £10 with 2/3 going to the winner and 1/3 to the runner up (rounded to nearest £)
Handicap will be ¾ of WHS Handicap.
The format is the lowest net score on each hole throughout the winter season. Scores should be recorded on a scorecard and a picture of the scorecard forwarded to Pat Kennedy by 5pm on the day of the competition.
Winter greens shall not be counted for the scoring in the competition with the exception of the 12th hole. Score on N/R cards will be applied for the individual holes where a score is recorded.
Each week of play, there will be a nearest-the-pin competition for holes 6,8,14,16 and 18. The entry fee will be £5 with each hole carrying winnings of £1 for each nearest the pin entry. N/R cards remain eligible for nearest the pin competition.
The winner will be the lowest net score for all 18 holes. By the end of the competition, players who have not recorded a score on all 18 holes will be disqualified.
Preferred lies will be in play throughout the duration of the competition.
All members are welcome to play on any week without entering the Winter Competition.
All members playing on any week are eligible to play in the nearest the pin competition.